Today marks the two week countdown till we leave the island for good. I can honestly say that I really do love it here and have become used to calling this home. On the other hand, I am so excited to go home to my family and actually get to see them for more than a week at a time. I am mostly excited about spending the summer with my beautiful nephews. This will be a great summer for so many reasons. First of all I will in one of my best friend's weddings and I am planning a lingerie party for her as well. Secondly my best friend and I are planning a trip for late summer, possibly Las Vegas or California, haven't decided yet. Thirdly my little nephew CoyWayne is playing T-ball and I am super excited to attend as many games as possible. And lastly, I will be working 4 days a week with my step-dad and spending the 3 day weekend hanging out with the rest of my family. I am also excited to be able to go to my family reunion again this year and hopefully the river with friends.
I plan on living it up and spending as much time with family and close friends as I can during the summer, since we will be moving off again in late August. We have narrowed our clinical sites to either Kingston or Epsom, London.
Yesterday we started researching apartments, or as they call them in England flats, for the first time. We were both excited to find so many adorable places for surprisingly decent prices. The uncertainty of our next move reminds me of how I felt preparing for our move to St. Maarten. I was very nervous and anxious about what the new country would be like but this time I am surprisingly more calm.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still anxious but this time it's more of an excited anxiety instead of a nervous anxiety. One thing that I learned from moving to St. Maarten is that no matter how much you think you have prepared, it will always work out for the best if you have confidence in yourself and in the Lord. This Sunday our sermon was partly about having faith in the Lord and giving up being worried all the time and just turning your uncertainty over to the Lord. I feel like this is something that really relates to me because I tend to "sweat the small stuff" a little too much. I need to be more confident that the Lord will guide us and keep us safe and happy, and not try to do everything myself. Brandon is so good about being carefree and just letting things happen, so for this move I'm going to try to be more like him and just relax, let things happen and just enjoy the ride.

Although I'm still unsure about how I feel about leaving in two weeks, I know that I am very excited for the next step. I never realized how many friends I would become so close to and how attached I would become to this little community that we live in. It's so nice to be around people that are going through the same things as you and that understand your excitement and frustrations. I have truly enjoyed our time here on the island and I know that I will really miss it when we are gone.
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