Having a lot of extra time on your hands allows you to think a lot about what you want in your future. I love to travel and live the adventurous life that I live but it doesn't come without consequences. I have so many things to be grateful for and I absolutely am thankful for every opportunity that I've been given. I have experienced many things that most people will never have the chance to do in their lifetime and I have the Lord to thank for all my blessings.
But......like I said, it's not all perfect.
There are several things I've realized from living abroad the past several years. 1. Nothing! Absolutely NOTHING compares to being a home with friends and family!! The number one problem with living and traveling all throughout the world is that it can get extremely lonely at times. Most of my days are spent doing things by myself, whether it's just hanging out at home or site seeing around town, most of it is alone. Grant it there are many days that Brandon and I do things together but with his school and the future of his job, it is my reality that we won't be doing most things together.
2. Weather is everything! Warm weather definitely makes the difference in your ability to do a lot of things. I appreciate cold weather but I think 2 months is plenty for me. I'm a warm weather kind of person and would rather live in a place that doesn't have real winters, i.e. TEXAS!
3. I will never be a stay-at-home anything (mom, wife, girlfriend, etc.)!! I have this internal need to always be doing something productive. I need to feel like I'm making something of myself and doing something important. Now, I know that being a stay-at-home mom is extremely important and it can have many benefits for children but for my life I think it would actually be worse. I am happiest when I'm working and doing things I love. School keeps me occupied for now but it doesn't bring in the big bucks! LOL. I enjoy being a multi-tasker, the more stuff I have to do, the better! So I'm really looking forward to being back to a place where I can work and feel like I'm being productive. I want to feel like I'm making a contribution and not being able to make money makes me feel like I have no place.
With all that said, I still want to stress that I am so grateful to be where I am and to be able to do the things I get to do. I love traveling and seeing the world and being around to support Brandon. I miss my family, friends, warm weather, and working but I know those are all things that I can always go back to and will be there no matter what. I have my whole life to work and live in my favorite state with my favorite people but for now I'm content with the way things are. The saying is true, In order to truly appreciate what you have, you have to live without it first.
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