Christmas 2009 London.

I found a blog that I had written back in December 2007. A lot has changed in the past two years but its funny that a few things are similar. This was written right after we moved to St. Maarten and I remember going through everything that is written in this blog like it was yesterday. Now I'm going through something similar with moving London. It's so exciting to see progress and to be able to look back and reminisce. Man if I had only known what was to come...
So here it is: Blog from December 2007
So this has been one crazy year! There have been so many ups and downs. The year started off with graduation in December and a new job in January. I loved my job in the beginning. It was great to be able to work with several girls who were such great friends, or so I thought. I lost one friend who I wish I never would have meet in the first place and gained two that I can never imagine living without. There was so much drama that came from that job that it became the thing I hated most in my entire life. Me and Brandon went through so much together and we came out stronger and better people because of it. Our relationship reached a new level of trust and commitment that I never thought possible.
In May we found out that he had been accepted to medical school in the Caribbean. It was an exciting and fearful time. It was a long planning process and so much thought went into the decision to move to St. Maarten. Many people think that we both dove right in and up rooted our lives to another country but it took so much thought, planning and discussing. I bet I talked to my mom everyday for about 3 months about the decision to move down there. I laughed about the excitement and cried about the fear. I discussed other possiblilites but nothing seemed to matter but being able to be with my one true love! I am so blessed to have meet someone who can take my breath away just by hearing their voice on the phone. I knew deep down in my heart that moving with him would be the best thing for the both of us and that it would be the experience of a lifetime.
As the time grew closer to the move it seemed even more sureal. I talked the decision to death with my friends and family trying to ease their worries and concerns and my own. It really made me feel special that I had so many people that were concerned about my well-being and safety. I knew that the move would be hard for me but I never imagined that it would effect my family and close friends. It is a great feeling to know that your friends are happy about your new life elsewhere but sad to see you go. Once the time came to begin packing it was more intense then I thought it would be. My mom and I worked together for several days to prepare and pack anything and everything that I would ever need or want and could fit into two 50 pound bags (which is more difficult than most would think). Of course nothing I ever do comes easy and without event. After going to the airport at 5am we find out that our plane has been cancelled because there were not enought employees to work the plane. We got transfered to another airline and instead of reaching our connection in Charollette, NC we got sent to Puerto Rico. We thought "okay one delay, no big deal we'll still make it within an hour or so of our original flight" but no that flight was cancelled as well due to a hurricane ripping through the Caribbean islands. After spending the night in the airport, lugging our luggage around all night and sitting for a few hours at the terminal we finally made it to ST. MAARTEN! It was absolutely beautiful, the weather was perfect and we were greeted by so many friendly people. Our apartment was more than we ever imagined, especially since we never saw one picture before we arrived! Everything seemed to be going perfect. Brandon's mom traveled with us and stayed for two weeks to help us settle in. It was a great beginning to the semester. We have so many pictures to look back on and cherish.
The first month was rough, I have to admitt. It was lonely and hard to adjust to being in a new place practically all alone. After becoming more involved I meet several other girls that were so friendly and a blast to hang out with. I was greatful that I knew someone that moved from our same town, which made it a little easier to attend group functions. After several weeks a few of us girls formed a "Grey's night" where we brought food to munch on while we got to know each other better and of course watched Grey's Anatomy. Before we new it the group had grown from about 3-4 girls to almost 8-10 by the end of the semester. It is amazing how so many girls with different interests, backgrounds, and upbringings could become so close but that is exactly what happened. I have formed friendships with girls in 4 months that I know will last a lifetime. Our area around the school is like a little community of students where everyone knows everyone and where we all try to watch out for one another. It's great to be able to walk to almost everywhere we need to go.
Moving closer to the time to come home and visit, we both became extremely anxious. We were so ready to see all of our family. Once we arrived back in the states it felt almost as if we had never left. We were busy everyday visiting with family, friends and trying to eat at every restaurant that we had missed so much. The holidays came and went so fast. We tried to spend as much time as possible with everyone that we had missed. We spent the days stocking up on everything we thought we would need back on the island and the nights eating out with friends and family. Before I knew it, it was time for Brandon to head back to the island and our Holiday break was over. And that was it, the end of 2007.
I have to say that this year has been the most life changing and exciting years of my life yet. I have learned so much and matured so much in the past year. First, of all I learned to choose your friends wisely and don't believe everything you hear. Trust your instincts and don't let people get in your head that are just trying to hurt you. Second, I learned that although something may seem scary and intimidating it can be the one thing that changes your life for the better, so don't be afraid to try new things. Thirdly, I have gained so much more trust and love for Brandon. Everyone that I am close to knows that I have major trust issues with everyone even if they have done nothing wrong. I feel like since this big move I have learned to listen to my heart and believe the things I see not the things I hear. I feel like I have gotten to know Brandon on a whole new level and now I feel like I know more of who the true Brandon is. He is so soft hearted and thoughtful but in his own little way. He tries so hard to do things to make me happy and he has been very successful. I'm so blessed to have someone with such great ambition and drive, did I mention he made honors this last semester! He has a way of making me feel like the most beautiful person in the world and at the same time he makes me want to work harder to be better. I still have a long way to go with trust but I know that I'm moving in the right direction. There are so many people in this world that try so hard to tear you down and no matter what you do you can't control the things other people do to you but the one thing you can control is yourself and how you react to others actions. I have learned that prayer and family can get you through anything. Satan tries so hard to tear apart something that he knows is great but if you keep looking to the Lord for guidance you will be able to defeat those demons. I can honestly say that this has been one crazy, fun filled year. I can't believe I made it to 2008 but I am looking forward to what the future holds. If 2007 was this great just imagine 2008! The adventure has just begun and I am ready to embrace anything that the Lord has in store for me. On to the next chapter in my life!